Renewable Sources of Energy, Energy Conservation

The scope of the consulting and advisory services of SPEED is to support public institutions, local authorities and businesses in the following fields:

• formulating strategies and programmes for rational use of energy and energy saving as well as utilization of renewable sources of energy

• studying, evaluating and managing energy projects and energy efficiency programmes

• engaging in research and technological development programmes

• benefiting from the specialized State Aid funding programmes for the financing of energy management projects.

Indicative advisory and consulting projects:

• Partner in the project GrEnFIn (Greening Energy Market and Finance), funded by EU Programme ERASMUS+ (2019 Call – KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances)

Consulting services in the context of the sub-project «Land Acquisition and Easement Program for the TAP pipeline in Greece» of the project: «TAP pipeline of natural gas».

• Partner in the EU project: «Step-by-step renovation towards nearly zero energy SPORT buildings». Project title: STEP-2-SPORT/Intelligent Energy Europe.

• Investigation and reporting of standards describing energy consumption parameters of Greek families on behalf of the Council of National Energy Strategy.

• Partner in the EU project: “Good practices in onshore and offshore wind farms in combination with environmental and social objectives in Europe”. Project title: GPWIND / Intelligent Energy Europe.

• Energy Planning, Local Plans for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources and creation of Energy Centers in 6 regions.

• Demand and energy saving management programmes in hospitals, schools and office buildings (SAVE, ECOS OVERTURE).

• Evaluation of investment projects with the use of geothermal energy – provision of support to investors (ALTENER). Utilization of renewable sources of energy in desalination plants (APAS).

• Development of financing mechanism by third-parties for the investment in renewable sources of energy (ALTENER) and use of alternative methods of funding in small scale electricity – heat cogeneration projects (SAVE).

• Development of Monitoring & Targeting mechanism for the energy management and infrastructure development to provide with information on energy saving in buildings (SAVE).

• Promotion of technologies for the utilization of geothermal energy and biomass in the markets of Northern Greece and Bulgaria (THERMIE).

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